What should be the skin care routine for acne prone skin?

A lot of people have sensitive skin. This means they are more likely to break out when the weather changes or when they use certain ingredients in their skincare routine. Acne is a common skin condition usually caused by hormonal changes resulting from growth hormones. For this reason, acne treatments can be more complex than you would expect.

In the past, many people followed a safe and natural system such as face masks and creams when having an acne breakout. Recently, there has been an increase in people who are turning to lifestyle changes to improve their skin's health. This includes changing their diet and increasing the amount of physical activity they do each day.

What is Acne?

Acne is a common facial, upper back, and shoulder skin disorder. It is caused when oil glands at the base of hair follicles become clogged with dead skin cells, leading to infection.

This infection can be treated with salicylic acid-based creams, serums and lotions, which are available without a prescription. The sebaceous glands can go into overdrive due to hormones, and the extra oil they create can become clogged by dead skin cells, leading to acne.

The most effective way to treat acne is to use all-natural ingredients, due to their potency and ability to easily penetrate skin pores. Achieving this will aid in fighting off bacteria and preventing excess oil production in the future, allowing your body to go through a natural 'cleansing' process.

Causes Of Acne

The following are a few of the most typical reasons of acne:

  • Puberty: Acne is most common during puberty, when your body goes through hormonal changes.
  • Hormonal imbalance: Hormones affect the oil glands in your skin, and if the balance becomes irregular, it will result in the overproduction of oil, which can cause acne. For example, if you are stressed, your body releases stress hormones that will cause an imbalance in oil production, leading to acne.
  • Emotional stress: Emotional stress can also cause your body to try and self-medicate itself by breaking down your hormones.
  • Hormones: Hormones are responsible for a vast number of body processes. Thus, some of the skin problems people face can be caused by hormonal imbalances. Some of the most common hormonal imbalances include those caused by pregnancy, menopause, puberty, and during menstrual cycles.
  • Dead Skin Cells: If your skin pores get clogged, they will lead to acne, so you must try and clean the excess oil off your skin.
  • Skin Irritation: Acne may develop if your skin gets irritated or inflamed due to an allergic reaction or a wound.

Do's and don'ts for acne prone skin?


- Drink Plenty of water: Drinking water will help to flush out toxins in your body and reduce the amount of oil on your skin.

-Stay hydrated: Avoid foods with excess salt for lunch and dinner, as it has been shown to dehydrate the body.

-Stay active: Exercise can improve blood circulation and help flush out toxins from your skin pores.

-Minimize stress levels: Taking a long hot bath or meditating can reduce stress levels, thus preventing hormonal imbalances that may cause acne breakouts.

-Eat healthy foods: Add some healthy food in your diet such as yellow and orange fruits and vegetables such as carrots, apricots, and sweet potatoes, spinach and other dark green and leafy vegetables, tomatoes, blueberries, whole-wheat bread, brown rice, quinoa, pumpkin seeds, beans, peas, and lentils, salmon, mackerel, and other kinds of fatty fish and nuts. Eating healthy fats such as olive oil in moderation will help to ensure that there is not too much oil produced by your body.


-Don't over exfoliate your skin: Exfoliating too frequently can cause dryness that can lead to clogged pores.

-Don't apply harsh ingredients: Make sure you wash your face with skin friendly soap when removing your make up - avoid using harsh chemicals.

- Do not touch your face: Acne is contagious, so make sure you wash your hands thoroughly before touching your face.

-Don't smoke: Smoking is not good for you; therefore, it is advisable to avoid smoking as much as possible to reduce the risk of getting acne breakouts.

– Don't go out without sunscreen: the sun's rays can irritate your skin, leading to acne breakouts. 

Skin Care Routine for Acne-Prone Skin

This blog post will provide a rundown of some simple tips that may help keep your skin clear and healthy. Here is the proper skincare routine for your acne-prone skin to help you achieve clear skin:

Step 1: Gently wash your face

When washing your face, choose an anti-acne facewash that contain Salicylic Acid, Azelaic or LHA that gently clears all dirt, oil & impurities from the pores. The best time to wash your face is before bedtime, which helps your skin relax and rejuvenate. Get rid of any scratchy sponges, washcloths, or other bothersome items. After you have washed your face, pat it dry with a clean cotton towel or soft cloth.

Wash your face with lukewarm water to remove dirt, oil, and bacteria from the pores. Do not scrub or pull at your skin, as this could cause damage and increase the appearance of acne scarring. Wash your face using a sponge, soft face cloth, or fingertips with lukewarm water. If you use a cleanser containing ingredients such as cucumbers or tea tree oil, allow it to sit for about one minute before rinsing it off with warm water.

Step 2: Apply Anti-Acne Face Serum

Apply an anti-acne face serum to your acne-prone skin in the evening, and avoid applying it near your eyes. You can choose to apply it before using a moisturizer. Pour a few drops of a serum onto your fingertips and gently rub it into your skin before bed.

There are various types of anti-acne face serums available on the market today. Still, you must be careful when choosing one, as some may contain ingredients that may cause irritation and redness to your skin. Patch test is recommended before applying any chemical based product.

Step 3: Apply medicine cream for acne treatment (if any)

If you use a prescription cream, gently pat it with your fingertips. If you use a natural acne treatment option, apply it to your face after washing and drying your skin. You may choose to apply the medication only to the affected areas. This is a good choice for people with mild acne because it could make the skin under the pimples appear different.

Step 4: Use an oil free Moisturizer for Acne-Free Skin

Apply an oil free, lightweight & non-greasy moisturizer to your acne-prone skin. Choose a moisturizer that does not contain irritating ingredients or artificial additives like mineral oil. Or use an oil-free moisturizer if you have oily or combination skin. This is enough to keep scars from returning due to excessive skin cell activity and inflammation caused by acne products.

Look for a cream that contains natural oils and herbs such as lavender, rosehip, avocado, and almond oil to help reduce the appearance of scars and treat acne. Although these creams do not penetrate the pores deeply, they keep your skin hydrated and healthier.

Step 5: Don't Forget to Use Sunscreen

Sunscreen is essential to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. There are various natural sunscreen creams on the market that can replace your regular cosmetics. A high SPF will help prevent side effects and protect your skin against sun rays. This will also prevent scarring and keep your skin smooth and fresh.

Step 6: Use Any Retinol Product Before Going to Bed

Retinol is a type of vitamin A responsible for giving your skin a healthy and glowing look by reducing the signs of aging. You should use any retinol product before going to bed because this will give your skin time to rest and rejuvenate. Granactive Retinoid is the hero of oily, acne-prone skin and can help clear breakouts. Granactive Retinoid delivers the performance of retinol and retinoid derivatives with significantly lower irritation potential. It helps achieve clear, visibly more youthful looking skin. According to a recent study, Retinol is an excellent multipurpose acne treatment for grownups.

You can use the product during the day if you have sensitive skin, since it won't cause the irritation that can happen when using other types of anti-aging products. However, when using the retinol, it is essential to use sunscreen on your face as it may make your skin more sensitive to sun damage.

Summarizing - skin care routine for acne prone skin

The key to getting rid of acne is understanding your skin type and what you must do to keep it healthy. Also, you need to be smart about your choices in order not to cause any more damage to them.

Now that you've read this article on the proper skincare routine for acne-prone skin, we hope you can choose the best products to keep your skin clear and soft. These are the essential tips for caring for your acne-prone skin, which should not look dull or broken out.